Stop by the Coppell Farmers Market on Saturday and shop from over 40 vendors, including our very own Etsy Dallas member LaAlicia.
Date: Saturday, May 30th
Time: 8am - 2pm
Location: 455 W. Bethel Road at Coppell Road
Cost: FREE

I AM HERE”- The DIAC Trade Show is meant to bring awareness and unity to the artists of Dallas. The event will showcase over 200 artists and all artwork will be available for either purchase or trade. By trade we mean that we want everyone to have the opportunity to own original artwork and we’re willing to let you offer us something in trade for it: services, products, cash, or whatever. Come with your best offers.Art and music will be dispersed throughout the building’s various rooms and venues, arranged by collectives and groups, so as to bring awareness to all that they do and provide. As visitors move through the event, they will be able to become familiar with the many artist residencies and businesses that exist in South Side as well.
Date: Friday, May 29th and Saturday, May 30th
Time: (F) 7pm-11pm, (S) 1pm-11pm
Location: South Side on Lamar, 1409 S. Lamar, Dallas
Cost: FREE
web site: http://samo4prez.wordpress.com/2009/05/26/i-am-here-dallas-independant-artists-community/

We usually don't post things that aren't somewhat local, but when one of our Etsy Dallas members travels to a far far away land to participate in a show, we just gotta let you know. If you can't make it out to Cali to see our fabulous Tara to the T and her beautiful vintage inspired accessories and clothing, then tell your cousins, old neighbors, uncles, college friends etc in the area to venture out and see the Maker Faire.
Date: Saturday, May 30th and Sunday, May 31st
Time: (S) 10am-8pm, (Su) 10am-6pm
Location: San Mateo County Expo Center
Cost: $35 tickets
Web: http://makerfaire.com/

Amateurs to experienced jewelry makers are invited to create anything from cufflinks to place card holders and pendants to keychains out of pewter. This is an open studio atmosphere where each student can choose the direction of their creation. Students are welcome to bring in any additional stones that they may want to include in their pieces. We also have stones and carved bones that can be purchased.
Date Sunday, may 31st
Time: 1pm-3pm
Location: 1216 Manufacturing St. Dallas TX 75207 (near the design district)
Cost: Around $50 depending on your project
Web site: http://www.fisforfrank.blogspot.com/