So you made it through Christmas, congratulations! While you’re recouping from your holiday indulgences (or planning for more at a New Year’s party), it’s time to start thinking about those New Year’s resolutions. In addition to your usual list--travel to Europe, run a marathon, organize the closet--what about adding a few craft-centric items to the list?
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Try your hand at something new and learn a new crafting skill. It could be something related to what you already do or something completely different! You’d be surprised how creative activity in one area can inspire you to rethink things in another. Say you’re a knitter, maybe you might want to try working in clay?
2. Craft with kindness. Those of us who are crafty don’t think twice about making and giving homemade gifts over the holidays, but why not throughout the year? How special would it be to show a little thoughtfulness with a homemade gift for a neighbor, a coworker, or a friend? Everyone appreciates a little pick me up.
3. Look out for UFOs! That’s right, Un Finished Objects, the ones that you can’t even remember what they were that sit in a box tucked under a table. It’s a real challenge to try to salvage or complete an unfinished mess, but it could make you think about things in a new way.
4. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Crafters are natural environmentalists. The first of the year might be a good time to destash and take inventory of your supplies. What can you make to use up the last of the scraps or how can you make your process more efficient and environmentally friendly? As a bonus, that usually also means more budget-friendly too!
5. Craft-bonding. Now is a great time to find a new craft circle and make new friends to share your love of craft with. Many of the local libraries have knitting groups, or, form your own group at a local coffee shop. Hooking into the online craft community can be a great way to virtually share your passion for the handmade and Etsy is a great place to start.
6. Be a cultured crafter. Visit a museum or gallery seeking out something you don’t know anything about. Throughout history people have made beautiful objects with care and skill. Explore the 3rd and 4th floors of the Dallas Museum of Art for their non-Western collections and decorative arts or go across the street to the Crow Collection of Asian Art. You’ll be amazed and inspired by the intricacy and originality of the work.
7. Keep a journal. Okay, this is on the standard New Year’s resolutions list, but how about a craft-related/inspired/idea journal? Clip out pictures, collect scraps, jot down ideas. At the end of the year you’ll have a physical journal that traces all your ideas and inspirations for 2010—and this isn’t just for makers, use it to track your gift-giving ideas, interior decorating schemes, and hot items to look for.
8. Shop local. There are so many talented crafters and artists in the Dallas Fort Worth area! You can go to local markets and shows, like the ones listed here each week, or you can search by area on Etsy. Some local Etsians even offer free hand-delivery as an alternative to shipping. You can’t beat that and you’re supporting your community!
Posted and illustrated by Anne/modestambition
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